
Loading the gateway to confident career moves

Finding the perfect match for your tech team

Quick. Easy. Ad-hoc.

Save up to 50% of your time spent on the interviewing process
Devview got you covered - our turnkey platform has all the tools needed to prepare for the interview and gather refined feedback in the split second.
Get ready for the interview
Forget about excel spreadsheets, word docs and notes - Devview allows you to create, adapt and navigate through the questionnaires easily.
Evaluate candidates
Monitor applicants progress efficiently and compare their results seamlessly through the AI-based analytical approach used in Devview.
Become a part of bigger community
Explore the forms and templates from the Devviewers, and adapt them freely. Elevate your hiring process by virtue of best proven practices.
Maximize hires, minimize effort
Devview will not only reduce the time spent on epy applicant selection, but also improve the quality of decision making.
For Leader
Systematize, borrow and share questions for applicants and give up unnecessary communication with HR. Spend less time preparing for the interview and analyzing it. Conduct interviews easily and efficiently.
For Business
Make the hiring process more efficient by reducing the expanses and allocating more of the HR department time to focus on team growth and synergy.
For Recruiters
Upload the position requirements in one place, and get an automatically generated list of questions for the applicants. Hold an interview, collect and automatically provide thorough feedback in just one browser screen.
For Tech teams
Find the best fit talents easier by tracking their progress through the interview and empowering joint decision-making.
Decide quicker. Hire faster!
Smooth features
Use our multifunctional platform to bring interviewing to a new level and share the experience of hundreds of HR specialists around the globe.
Working with questions
  • Create and edit questions for interviews using AI
  • Upload import, and store the questions in a single base
  • Sort and group questions for convenient access
Applicant analysis tools using AI
  • Analyzing applicant data and responses for assessment and comparison
  • Using AI to identify potential candidates
Managing the meetings
  • Plan and schedule the calls
  • Invite your team members participants (HR, TL, job seekers)
  • Track the status and progress of the interview
Auto-generated feedback
  • Effortlessly generate feedback after the call
  • Provide applicants with deeper insights on their skills and knowledge detailed feedback to job seekers
Interactive analytics
  • Interactive interface for real-time interviews
  • Ability to receive analytics about the interview process and outcome
Sharing experience within community
  • Get access to the questions from other users to find the better options for your specific needs i ate others' polls to help them grow
  • Generate questions based on the templates for individual items
The community of Devviewers is spreading. It’s time to become one of us!
Alexander Truman
As a CTO, I can say that DevView is an indispensable tool - it allows me to find the best talents for our team, as it screens through their background and skill set, as well as frees a lot of my time for the real technical work, because the feedback is being automatically generated by the AI-module.
John Bragim
While interviewing Java developers, I used notes and had to constantly switch between tabs , which was super distracting.
Then I tried DevView and was absolutely astonished - the service has everything I need for the interview, including questions and answers templates, AI-based analytics and detailed information about each job seeker. Running interviews has never been easier!
Java Developer
Jesse Land
I have previously conducted many interviews with candidates for various positions, using various methods and tools. However, I always struggled with storing candidates informationDevView helped me to gather everything in one place, so nothing is lost!
Anna Semashko
We used to interview candidates for our company using ready-made spreadsheet question lists. This was inconvenient when transferring and searching for the necessary references, it took a lot of time and effort to analyze the data and make decisions. Now we use DevView, which contains everything we need to conduct interviews: question templates, analytics, storage of candidate information. DevView allowed us to quickly ask questions in real time, get instant answers and analyze data using artificial intelligence. We were also able to customize question and answer templates for our company's specific requirements.
HR Specialist
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